Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Birthday Card for My DH

Today my dear husband is celebrating his birthday.  I wanted a fall themed card this time around, so I took one I made earlier in the month and changed it up just a little, which gave me the effect I was looking for.  I hope he likes it.

I don't know why I always wait until the last minute to make my guy birthday cards.  I really need to have a bunch of them on hand to choose from.  I have PLENTY of girly ones that will do the job, but very few in the masculine category.  Anyone else out there have troubles coming up with guy-appropriate birthday cards like I do?


Tanya Boser said...

Great card! I am sure he will love it :-) The colors are perfect for a fall card, and that tree gets me every time!
I don't have troubles coming up with masculine cards, but I use them up pretty fast, lol! I have mostly men/boys in both sides of my family...

Deb B (Debadoo) said...

This is so pretty Cheryl! I love the colors you used. I really have got to get this set.

Cindy said...

*Raises hand sheepishly* Me! I love the triple ribbon on this, Cheryl, but the colors you used on this card just take the cake.

Heidi B said...

I love how this tree goes off the edge - great effect!

Anonymous said...

This is a great card and I bet he will love it! Love how you used the ribbon!

Holly/Rubber Redneck said...

I left the comment above :) Whoops lol

WebDeb said...

I think this is a great "manly" card. The tailored DSP is a great touch!

Sara Mattson-Blume said...

Love the triple ribbon...very cool idea.